Saturday 18 January 2014

Herwina Aisya Putri Rajasa Piano Progress since 2011

Aisya Progress in Piano

 Herwina Aisya Putri was born in November 10, 1999



Muhammad Dzaky Fajratama Piano Progress since 2010

Dzaky Progress in Piano 

Dzaky was born in Jakarta, 14 August 1969.
Learnt the piano and violin to his father: Herry Rajasa - a musician and music teacher started in 2007 at the age of 8.
Join the piano competition for the first time in 2007 playing Minuet in G- J.S. Bach which he just learnt in 3 months time.
Currently he is studying at SMAKBO- Sekolah Menengah Analis Kimia Bogor and will finish on June 2015.
Besides piano, he can also play guitar and likes to sing as well.

Dzaky with his grandfather: Mr. Hariyadi